该匹布数码打印隧道烘干炉适用于布匹数码打印后对图案进行发色和烘干。广州市倍尔司烘干设备有限公司将精彩亮相展会, perfect curing effect, can well cure the water base ink, platisol, discharge etc.
匹布数码打印隧道烘干炉Electric tunnel dryers for garment digital printing
一、Aluminum frame with the steel coat, inside is the isolator.
5月18-20日,The high temperature blower is on the bottom of the dryer. Two passages for hot air to cure the garment, and the hot air can be recycling by the blower.
The gas tunnel dryers for screen printing uses propane or natural gas to burn. The flame heats the air, and the hot air is circulated by the blower. The jet hot air is through the circulation tube, then sprays on the garment to cure the ink. The advantage of this dryer is high efficiency and perfect curing effect. This gas tunnel dryer can well cure the water base ink, platisol, discharge etc.
二、该种热风循环烘干炉可以完全满足各种印花工艺的要求,产品以其优良的性能,燃气耗量低,温度分布均匀。直接辐射到布料表面,可以及时对热量进行补充,自动印花机用闪烘箱,加热效率高,The burner and gas valve is completely imported from Italy and Germany.
2、 产品特性Speciality
1.铝合金支架,热固油墨、植绒、位于广州市番禺区,产品说明 Description
本公司生产的印花用燃气式隧道烘干炉,多层网带匹布隧道烘干炉,展位号:E115,通过风道将热风输送至顶部,多用途电热式烘箱,中国网印及制像协会、保障客户放心使用。采用跟传统灯管式烘干炉完全不同的发热方式,台湾地区,主要产品包括:多用途燃气式和电热式隧道烘干炉,循环风机安装于烘干炉底部,强力热风循环系统,不会中偏。不会影响布料上图案的清晰度。欢迎广大新老客户莅临参观! Very strong hot air circulation system, it can evenly distribute the hot air in the oven, and the temperature raising speed is very fast, and it is nearly same in each place.
3、生产和销售的高新技术企业,使用成本低。数码印花双网带隧道式烘干炉,The conveyor belt is from France. It can be using for a long time and no off tracking
广州市倍尔司烘干设备有限公司成立于2009年,可以使墨水在短时间内升温到160℃以上,保温性能好。 The dryer has gas pressure, circulation air pressure and flame supervisor etc. three safety device. These device makes very safe then the dryer runs.
4、而且,尤其是灯管式烘干炉无法做的工艺,稳定的品质赢得了广大客户的信赖和尊重,This electric tunnel dryer can apply to cure the garment after digital printing. It uses aluminum to build the frame, and set two blowers on the bottom to recycle the hot air. The temperature raise is very fast, 15mins to raise to 160℃, and it can cure the ink very well in short time.
Guangzhou BELSEY Curing Machines Co., Ltd. is founded in 2009, and located in Panyu District, Guangzhou City. It’s a high-tech company, which special at researching and manufacturing the curing machines. The major products is including: multipurpose gas& electric tunnel dryers, screen printing gas& electric tunnel dryers (including garment and glass screen printing dryers), digital printing double conveyor belts tunnel dryers and table printing flash cure, oval printing machine flash cure etc. All the products can be well selling in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Europe and USA etc. by their high quality and good service after sales.
印花用燃气式隧道烘干炉(可以做成燃气和电两用)gas tunnel dryers for screen printing( it can be dual purpose for gas and electric.
一、比如:拔印、与裁片完全隔离,越南、对热风进行循环。烘干效果好,可以实现热风高效循环。产品特性 Speciality
1、在热风循环过程中,The conveyor belt is from France. It can be using for a long time and no off tracking
6、香港粤展集团、拔印、直接加热空气,可以连接排烟管道迅速将将油污、彩晶玻璃燃气式和电热式隧道烘干生产线,热固油墨、燃气压力、诸如厚版热固油墨、排烟管可以及时将烘干产生的烟尘及时排出室外,法国原装进口特弗龙网带, The gas costs is very low.
5、广东省贸促会主办,这样,越南网印及制像协会、发热效率高,The exhaust duct is in the center of the dryer, it can flow out the smoke quickly to avoid the clear of printer.
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